Sunken Roads: Three Generations After D-Day
Don McCarthy was 20 years old on D-Day, when his infantry division landed on Omaha Beach. Don and the other veterans who survived D-Day will someday soon have passed into memory and legend. This realization inspires 20-year-old filmmaker Charlotte Juergens to join Don and seven other D-day vets on a journey to France – a commemorative pilgrimage to Omaha Beach for the 70th anniversary of the invasion.
The vets come to see Charlotte as a granddaughter, trusting her with their stories as they confront the trauma that still haunts them 70 years after the war. In capturing their lives, Sunken Roads offers a new, intergenerational perspective on D-Day, presenting the memories of 90-year-old combat veterans through the eyes of a 20-year-old woman.
The G.I. Film Festival San Diego, Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum, 29th Division Association, Middlebury New Filmmakers Festival, USS Midway Museum, World War II Foundation and Normandie-World War II International Film Festival are proud to present a special sneak preview of Sunken Roads: Three Generations After D-Day in advance of its theatrical release in late summer 2020. The film is available to watch until Sunday, June 21.
The cost to rent the film for streaming for three days is $7.50. Click here to buy a ticket and watch.
Sunken Roads would never have been made if not for the generous support of the 29th Division Association, which welcomed Charlotte to film Don and the other veterans back in 2014. Members of Post 93 also made a financial contribution for the film’s production.
Sunken Roads premiered at the Middlebury New Filmmakers Festival in 2019.
Sunken Roads was shown at the G.I. Film Festival San Diego last fall and was nominated for Best Feature Documentary. Sunken Roads was also screened at the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum in 2019 to commemorate D-Day’s 75th Anniversary.